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Business Type:



Food Manufacturing

The first year we used Cin7 Core, we concentrated on sales growth and saw an 18% increase in our top-line revenue because of the extra insight it gave us.

Andrew Petterson
Andrew Petterson

CEO at: Mount Zero Olives

Learn more Stories

Gaining Inventory Insight to Grow Revenue and Profit

Jane and Neil Seymour purchased one of the oldest olive groves in Australia in 1993, hoping to start a new life and grow a family business.

After restoring the dilapidated farm, they brought their son Richard on in 2005 to help manage their brand and expand sales – a smart move, as with his help they were recognized as “Melbourne Food and Wine Legends” just a few years later.

But, as Mount Zero grew from family farm to regional copacker and distributor, their business outgrew the less-than-legendary inventory management tools included in their accounting software.

After researching a few options, they reached out to the business systems experts at Ocius Digital (now Waypoint), who recommended switching to Cin7 Core and Xero to better meet their inventory and accounting needs.

Inside this case study, you’ll discover:

  • Why some big name inventory “solutions” fail at providing the most basic functions (and why this is especially costly for small businesses).
  • How purpose-built business apps succeed in providing excellent solutions to problems (and which apps Mount Zero used to boost their sales).
  • How increased visibility and transparency into their inventory and orders allowed Mount Zero to double their bottom-line, boost their top-line, and grow their net margins.

#1 Rated Cloud ERP Software in USA

Get a big picture view of your business, without losing sight of the details. Cin7 Core makes enterprise-level inventory management, manufacturing, sales channel integration, reporting and more accessible to businesses of all sizes.

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